Read more about this disease, some with Classification – Types – Signs and symptoms – Genetics – Pathophysiology – Diagnosis – Screening – Prevention – Treatment and management – Cures and much more, some including pictures and video when available.
Pyrophobia refers to the fear of fire. People who suffer from this fear may be nervous around things like fireworks, fireplaces and other things that have fire. The fear of fire comes from the perception that fire can consume one’s house, one’s belongings and oneself. Fire can, however, in most cases, be prevented and controlled. Ways that people can possibly get rid of this fear are to spend time around fire, for instance, bonfires, using one’s fireplace, and learning about fire by, for example, going to fire-safety seminars and taking tours of fire-departments. That way, people will know what to do in case of a fire and they will have less danger of getting injured by it. People can also make sure that their house has working smoke detectors.
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