Annular pancreas

Read more about this disease, some with Classification – Types – Signs and symptoms – Genetics – Pathophysiology – Diagnosis – Screening – Prevention – Treatment and management – Cures and much more, some including pictures and video when available.

Annular pancreas is a rare condition in which the second part of the duodenum is surrounded by a ring of pancreatic tissue continuous with the head of the pancreas. This portion of the pancreas can constrict the duodenum and block or impair the flow of food to the rest of the intestines. It occurs in 1 out of 12,000 to 15,000 newborns.[1]

It is typically associated with abnormal embryological development, however adult cases can develop.

Early signs of abnormality include polyhydramnios, or an excess of amniotic fluid, low birth weight, and feeding intolerance immediately after birth.

Postnatal diagnostic procedures include abdominal x-ray and ultrasound, CT scan, and upper GI and small bowel series.

Treatment usually is bypassing the obstructed segment of dudenum by duodeno-doudenostomy. Another approach is laparoscopic gastrojejunostomy.[2]

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